检索条件: The crown ( 题名 )
ISBN 978-1947856462
The Crown Lord
责任者 Shipton, Paul.
出版信息 Pearson Education ,2002
ISBN 9781292119854
The crown
Shipton, Paul..Pearson Education,2002.
责任者 by Fred Kofman
出版信息 Crown Archetype ,2018
ISBN 9781524760731
The Meaning Revolution: The Power of Transcendent Leadership
by Fred Kofman.Crown Archetype,2018.
责任者 by Marc Benioff
出版信息 Crown Archetype ,2019
ISBN 9781984825193
Trailblazer: The Power of Business As the Greatest Platform for Change
by Marc Benioff.Crown Archetype,2019.
责任者 by Geoffrey Cain
出版信息 Crown Archetype ,2020
ISBN 9781101907252
Samsung Rising: The Inside Story of the South Korean Giant That Set Out to Beat Apple and Conquer Tech
by Geoffrey Cain.Crown Archetype,2020.
责任者 by J. J. Sutherland
ISBN 9780525573210
The Scrum Fieldbook: A Master Class on Accelerating Performance, Getting Results, and Defining the Future
by J. J. Sutherland.Crown Archetype,2019.
责任者 by Johnson Sarah Stewart
出版信息 The Crown Publishing Group ,2020
ISBN 9781101904817
The Sirens of Mars: Searching for Life on Another World
by Johnson Sarah Stewart.The Crown Publishing Group,2020.
责任者 by Kristen Howerton
ISBN 9781984825162
Rage Against the Minivan: Learning to Parent Without Perfection
by Kristen Howerton.The Crown Publishing Group,2020.
责任者 by Matt Alt
ISBN 9781984826695
Pure Invention: How Japan's Pop Culture Conquered the World
by Matt Alt.The Crown Publishing Group,2020.
责任者 by Beth Comstock
ISBN 9780451498298
Imagine It Forward: Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change
by Beth Comstock.Crown Archetype,2018.