检索条件: Fairy tales ( 主题词 )
责任者 Virginia Loh-Hagan.
出版信息 45th Parallel Press, ,[2017]
ISBN 9781634721479
Fairies /
Virginia Loh-Hagan..45th Parallel Press,,[2017].
责任者 Grimm, Wilhelm.
出版信息 Scholastic ,2016
ISBN 9780545934909
Grimms' Fairy tales
Grimm, Wilhelm..Scholastic,2016.
责任者 Grimm, Wilhelm,,Hockney, David.
出版信息 Royal Academy of Arts, ,2011.
ISBN 9781907533242 (hbk.) :
Six fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm /
Grimm, Wilhelm,,Hockney, David..Royal Academy of Arts,,2011..
责任者 by Sarah Mlynowski
出版信息 Scholastic Press ,2016
ISBN 9780545851060
Sugar and spice
by Sarah Mlynowski.Scholastic Press,2016.
出版信息 Scholastic Press ,2014
ISBN 9780545627283
Bad hair day
by Sarah Mlynowski.Scholastic Press,2014.
责任者 by Anthony Browne.
出版信息 Walker ,2008
ISBN 9781406318524
Hansel and Gretel
by Anthony Browne..Walker,2008.
责任者 by Anne Collins.
出版信息 Pearson Education ,2008
ISBN 9781405855396
Tales from the Arabian nights
by Anne Collins..Pearson Education,2008.
责任者 James Riley
出版信息 Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing ,2014
ISBN 9781442474215
Once upon the End
James Riley.Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing,2014.
责任者 Andersen, H. C.
出版信息 Morrow Junior Books, ,[1999]
ISBN 9780688159337
The ugly duckling /
Andersen, H. C..Morrow Junior Books,,[1999].
责任者 by Shaun Tan
出版信息 Walker Studio ,2016
ISBN 9781406370669
The singing bones : art inspired by Grimms' fairy tales
by Shaun Tan.Walker Studio,2016.