检索条件: Emigration and immigration ( 主题词 )
责任者 Neil Gaiman
出版信息 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc ,2023
ISBN 9781526660619
What You Need to Be Warm
Neil Gaiman.Bloomsbury Publishing Plc,2023.
责任者 Cynthia Kadohata
出版信息 Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing ,2019
ISBN 9781481446648
A Place to Belong
Cynthia Kadohata.Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing,2019.
责任者 by Elvira Woodruff.
出版信息 Scholastic ,1997
ISBN 9780590482462
The Orphan of Ellis Island : a time-travel adventure
by Elvira Woodruff..Scholastic,1997.
责任者 by Elizabeth Carney.
出版信息 National Geographic ,2016
ISBN 9781426323416
Ellis Island
by Elizabeth Carney..National Geographic,2016.
责任者 Parmenter, Wayne.
出版信息 Scholastic ,1993
ISBN 9780590438292
If your name was changed at Ellis Island
Parmenter, Wayne..Scholastic,1993.
责任者 by Jenny Lombard.
出版信息 Scholastic Inc., ,2007.
ISBN 0439020069 (pbk.) :
Drita : my homegirl /
by Jenny Lombard..Scholastic Inc.,,2007..
责任者 D鑥zakin, Akin,
出版信息 Eerdmans Books for Young Readers, ,2016.
ISBN 9780802854773
Why am I here? /
D鑥zakin, Akin,.Eerdmans Books for Young Readers,,2016..
责任者 Swiatkowska, Gabriela,
出版信息 Farrar, Straus and Giroux, ,2003.
ISBN 9781489871909
My name is Yoon /
Swiatkowska, Gabriela,.Farrar, Straus and Giroux,,2003..
ISBN 9780374351144