检索条件: Education ( 主题词 )
责任者 Salman Khan
出版信息 Penguin Publishing Group ,2024
ISBN 9780593656952
Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That's a Good Thing)
Salman Khan.Penguin Publishing Group,2024.
责任者 Lisbeth Kaiser
出版信息 Penguin Young Readers Group ,2023
ISBN 9780593520901
Who Is Malala Yousafzai?: a Who Was? Board Book
Lisbeth Kaiser.Penguin Young Readers Group,2023.
责任者 R.Keith Sawyer
出版信息 Cambridge University Press ,2022
ISBN 9781108744669
The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences
R.Keith Sawyer.Cambridge University Press,2022.
责任者 Ph.D. Antonoff, Steven R
出版信息 Steven R. Antonoff ,2022
ISBN 9781733578424
College Match: A Blueprint for Choosing the Best School for You
Ph.D. Antonoff, Steven R.Steven R. Antonoff,2022.
责任者 Amarbeer Singh Gill
出版信息 John Catt Educational, Limited ,2022
ISBN 9781915261267
Dunlosky's Strengthening the Student Toolbox in Action
Amarbeer Singh Gill.John Catt Educational, Limited,2022.
责任者 Sonia Thompson
出版信息 Hodder Education Group ,2022
ISBN 9781913622992
Berger's an Ethic of Excellence in Action
Sonia Thompson.Hodder Education Group,2022.
责任者 Tom Sherrington
ISBN 9781915261137
Teaching WalkThrus 3: Five-Step Guides to Instructional Coaching
Tom Sherrington.John Catt Educational, Limited,2022.
责任者 Emma Turner
ISBN 9781915261007
Annie Murphy Paul's the Extended Mind in Action
Emma Turner.John Catt Educational, Limited,2022.
责任者 Tanabe
出版信息 SuperCollege LLC ,2021
ISBN 9781617601699
50 Successful Stanford Application Essays: Write Your Way into the College of Your Choice
Tanabe.SuperCollege LLC,2021.
责任者 Kate Jones
出版信息 John Catt Educational, Limited ,2021
ISBN 9781913622770
Wiliam and Leahy's Five Formative Assessment Strategies in Action
Kate Jones.John Catt Educational, Limited,2021.