检索条件: Authorship ( 主题词 )
责任者 by Ally Carter
出版信息 Scholastic Press ,2019
ISBN 9781338212266
Dear Ally, how do you write a book?
by Ally Carter.Scholastic Press,2019.
责任者 by Raina Telgemeier
出版信息 Scholastic US ,2019
ISBN 9781338353846
Share your smile : Raina's guide to telling your own story
by Raina Telgemeier.Scholastic US,2019.
责任者 Lynn Joseph
出版信息 HarperCollins Publishers ,2019
ISBN 9780064472043
The Color of My Words
Lynn Joseph.HarperCollins Publishers,2019.
责任者 by Georgia Heard
出版信息 Heinemann ,2016
ISBN 9780325074498
Heart maps : helping students create and craft authentic writing
by Georgia Heard.Heinemann,2016.
责任者 Heyer, Carol; Goto, Scott.
出版信息 Scholastic ,2005
ISBN 9780545496568
Once upon a cool motorcycle dude
Heyer, Carol; Goto, Scott..Scholastic,2005.
责任者 Selznick, Brian.
出版信息 Scholastic ,2001
ISBN 9780439814072
The school story
Selznick, Brian..Scholastic,2001.
责任者 Brooker, Kyrsten.
出版信息 Scholastic, ,c1997.
ISBN 0531071367 (pbk.) :
Nothing ever happens on 90th Street /
Brooker, Kyrsten..Scholastic,,c1997..
责任者 Lauren Child.
出版信息 Scholastic Inc., ,2007.
ISBN 9780545001861 (pbk.) :
Clarice Bean spells trouble /
Lauren Child..Scholastic Inc.,,2007..
责任者 Gary Paulsen.
ISBN 9780545033350
Guts: the true stories behind Hatchet and the Brian books
Gary Paulsen..Scholastic,2001.
责任者 Virginia Frances Schwartz.
出版信息 Scholastic Inc., ,2008.
ISBN 0545075475 (pbk.) :
4 kids in 5E & 1 crazy year /
Virginia Frances Schwartz..Scholastic Inc.,,2008..