HEA| |00842nam0 2200253 450 001| |022003001069 005| |20190718153728.1 020| |▼a9780448437439 082| |▼a973.922092 082| |▼223 091| |▼aI712.8▼25 100| |▼aMcDonough, Yona Zeldis. 245| |▼aWho Was John F. Kennedy?▼cby- | | Yona Zeldis McDonough ; illus- | |trated by Nancy Harrison. 260| |▼aNew York▼bGrosset & Dunlap▼c2005 300| |▼a106 pages▼c20cm. 490| |▼aWho was-- . 500| |▼aThe man who saved the lives - | |of his PT-109 crewmen during W- | |WII and became the 35th presid- | |ent fought-and won-his first b- | |attle at the age of two-and-a-- | |half, when he was stricken wit- | |h scarlet fever. 521| |▼a790 521| |▼bLexile 650| |▼aJohn F. Kennedy? 650| |▼aPresidents 650| |▼aBiography 700| |▼aHarrison, Nancy. 801| 0|▼aCN▼bHZYGXX▼c20190718
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