HEA| |01406nam0 2200361 450 001| |012018055431 005| |20201214144339.4 010| |▼a978-7-5448-2959-5▼dCNY15.00 035| |▼a(A100000NLC)006697749 049| |▼aA100000NLC▼bUCS01006126070▼c- | |006697749▼dNLC01 100| |▼a20201214d2013 cemy0chiy0110 ea 101|1 |▼achi▼ceng 102| |▼aCN▼b450000 105| |▼aa z 000fy 106| |▼ar 200|1 |▼a喂!等一下,那是我的书▼9wei ! deng yi x- | |ia , na shi wo de shu▼b专著▼f(英)- | |罗伦·乔尔德(Lauren Child)著▼g漪然译 205| |▼a2版 210| |▼a南宁▼c接力出版社▼d2013 215| |▼a1册▼d23cm 300| |▼a查理与劳拉 305| |▼a由博达著作权代理有限公司代理 312| |▼a版权页英文题名:But excuse me that is my book 510|1 |▼aBut excuse me that is my book▼zeng 606|0 |▼a图画故事▼9tu hua gu shi▼y英国▼z现代 606|0 |▼a情感社交Social and Emotional Dev- | |elopment▼9qing gan she jiao So- | |cial and Emotional Development 606|0 |▼a社交态度 social attitudes▼9she j- | |iao tai du social attitudes 606|0 |▼a谦让 humility▼9qian rang humility 690| |▼aI561.85▼v5 701| 0|▼c(英)▼a乔尔德▼9qiao er de▼c(Child- | |, Lauren)▼4著 702| 0|▼a漪然▼9yi ran▼4译 801| 2|▼aCN▼bOLCC▼c20130730 801| 2|▼aCN▼bHZYGXX▼c20201214 905| |▼fI561.85/01010082/40=2V4▼fI56- | |1.85/01010082/40=2V4
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